But in this unexisto running mate's first veep speech, at the RNC, she said that her administration would build more nuclear plants. The teleprompter spelled out "new-clear." So clearly, this administration's new message of change is already beginning to resonate and they must get away from the Bushisms. Palin's mostly proven to be an effective speaker so far (never mind her first national interview). "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick." Cute! And God knows we need a folksy veep who can tell a joke.

But sadly, you will have to wait for the blunderous veep debate on Oct 2, between the wide-eyed governor who doesn't know what the Bush doctrine is and the mostly forgotten Joe Biden, who contradicted his own campaign and misspoke on US history. "How much room do we have for oops?" should be the real question. Hoover, FDR... what's the diff, really? Just a few years and a few important policies. Pssh.
Tonight is the first of three presidential debates if McCain still decides to show up. He already dissed "ugly date" David Letterman this week. But come on, Letterman. Katie Couric is a lot prettier than you are.
Debates may not seem to matter as much as they used to, now that we live in a YouTube age and countless media outlets offering you unfair and unbalanced news from both sides of the coin. Fluff magazines photograph "dreamy Barack" surfing on the beach and local news outlets video McCain buying salsa at a Lee's Summit restaurant. He likes it hot, by the way. Saucy John. But since people are calling this one of the most important races ever, it may surprise you.
1858: Abraham Lincoln v. Stephen Douglas. Well, Abe was really tall and Douglas was like a midget. Obviously we all know how that one turned out. Tall people win every damn time.
When JFK and Tricky Dick squared off on the first televised debate in 1960, JFK showed an energy and youth that an exhausted Nixon could not replicate. Those rubber Nixon masks sure are frightening. Why did you elect scary face in '69?
"Are you better off than you were four years ago?" asked another rubber mask (Ronald Reagan) to Jimmy Carter in 1980 during the most watched debate ever, until possibly tonight. We may hear that same question echoed tonight but instead plug in double the number. It was that debate that invigorated Reagan's campaign and put him on the fast-track to becoming known as the Great Communicator. Maybe we'll see that tonight.
We already know that Obama has proven to be a more effective public speaker but at the same time a less prolific debater during the primaries. That's not to say that McCain is a master debater (heh heh), but until his head pops off like a zit in a fit of rage, his debating ability has proven fairly stable. But with undecided voters hanging in the balance and this week's economic woes (did I mention that I'm really happy I didn't pursue a career in the banking industry? Good thing print journalism will never go away. Oh... Crap.), this could be a very important debate that hopefully doesn't involve pronunciation of "nu-cule-ur." I just need to hear a good discourse with words pronounced correctly. As an American, that's all I want. And I hope it solidifies my vote for my candidate.
So if I have time, I'll be whoring about town to find someone who will let me watch their TV. Of course, I'll advise you to turn off the HD for this one.
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