Yes, I am still posting my MySpace blogs on here. To fill up space.
Famous BFFs in history: Laverne and Shirley. Bill and Ted. Lucy and Ethel. Thelma and Louise. Bert and Ernie. Radiohead and Chuck. What?
That's right. Radiohead is writing the score for the film adaptation of Chuck Palahniuk's book Choke - my favorite one by the author (though, I confess, I've only read 5 of his 10 fiction novels so far). This year I've been looking forward to four movies, and this is one of them. The other three: Well, you can guess what one of them was if you've read my other blogs and can deduce the consensus of the rest of the country. The second was the good but-it's-no-Half-Baked stoner action flick, and the other comes out today.
Could this be the best film score written by a popular band of all time?
Well, I don't know. I don't know enough about the combo to tell you. But here are a few film scores I do remember.
- Journey does TRON. Major 80s overload. Take a nerdy 80s movie and pair it with a dorky 80s band, and this is what you get. But if you haven't seen this, prepare to be disappointed or thrilled, depending on your preference. No, you won't get an earful of the mighty Steve Perry falsetto as the light cycles race. The score, like most musical scores, is instrumental. But, if you get past all the cheese of Journey, they are solid musicians. So stop hating, and start believing.
- Queen does FLASH! Speaking of cheese. Now, in contrast to the silent Steve Perry in Tron, you do get an earful of Freddie Mercury throughout Flash. And if you haven't heard the Flash theme song, you are most certainly missing out. Brian May's custom guitar sound goes quite nicely with the whole Flash Gordon saving the world thing, wearing a shirt bearing his name. A narcissistic little guy, but whatever. Added bonus: Nazis. Any good movie needs anti-Nazi sentiment and it gets that much better. For reals.
- Jonny Greenwood does There Will Be Blood. So, the guitarist for Radiohead did the score for this little diddy. I only saw the movie once in theaters - amidst laughter from my inappropriate friends - but the film was full of experimental string-driven performances. Peaks of staccato notes between oil montages and Daniel-Day Lewis' angry greedy man moustaches. Actually, I found this to be a very impressive score. Now I can just imagine how much better it could get with a few Thom Yorke compositions.
-The Dust Brothers do Fight Club. You can't talk about Choke without mentioning Fight Club, I suppose. A fantastical and somewhat repetitious drum beat with an ominous bass behind it seems to set the mood of the dissociative personality disorder-struck character in Tyler Durden, and the single-serving universe he unknowingly creates behind him.
I'm not going to rack my brain to attempt to think of anymore and I'm sure I've left out some of the most obvious ones. But if you can, you're welcome to mention. And I'm talking about scores, not soundtracks. And I didn't include movies like The Wall, or A Hard Day's Night, or anything like that. And of course there are other great scores in film that I won't even go into, because that's a totally different topic.
Either way, my verdict is that this will be a great pairing of a band who continues to create a different feel with each album it releases, and a movie that will undoubtedly garner a cult following as did the last Chuck book that was adapted into film. Perhaps this time even more so, as Chuck is a much better known author today, and most Chuck fans that I know consider this his best book. Hopefully the film will live up to this reputation. I'm not completely sold, but... with what I perceive to be an ambient musical score to set the tone to depict a Oedipal, sex-crazed, med school dropout attention whore who works as a Colonial reenactor... perhaps it will be quite good.
"What I want is to be needed. What I need is to be indispensable to somebody. Who I need is somebody that will eat up all my free time, my ego, my attention. Somebody addicted to me. A mutual addiction." Victor Mancini, from Choke
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Ostrich and the Goose!
The Ostrich and the Goose!
In the world people live in
never see things on the earth
for what they really are
in the africain plains
there are many sights
The Ostrish is the best sight
tall and gracious in all its might
runs arcoss the plains
never searching the ways
catching a glimps
can leave you in a daze
but what can top that
is that of the golden goose
made of legend
there is one egg on my mind
she is not a goose
a swan she has become
in my eyes ...I hope
she still have gold for me
In the world people live in
never see things on the earth
for what they really are
in the africain plains
there are many sights
The Ostrish is the best sight
tall and gracious in all its might
runs arcoss the plains
never searching the ways
catching a glimps
can leave you in a daze
but what can top that
is that of the golden goose
made of legend
there is one egg on my mind
she is not a goose
a swan she has become
in my eyes ...I hope
she still have gold for me
just another funny thing I wrote
Good girls
When I first met you
You could make vanessa del rio save face
The number of mates youve had are more than a few
I hate you
Ia m not telling you not to be dirty
but now you are president of the bible society
But it seems you like to "flirt"
you use to be the toss up girl
but once you met me
you became the preacher's daughter
Girl lets stop pretending
Good girls are good
Like Lepards and Spots
You can't change PANTIES and HOES
i'm spents
to all the wonderful females out there... do not take this message to heart... take it to your two side whore friend who decided to be a born again virgin. tell them it aint going to work unless they move to antoher state where know one knows them
from a random valentines day
![]() | Currently Playing A Thin Line Between Love & Hate: Music From The Motion Picture By Various Artists see related |
Girl, I Love You
GIrl you are my sugarcube
you melt in my mouth
yet so sweet and warm
make me feel every color except blue
Woman you are great
you are smooth
you are wonferful
you are something someone would paint
I love you with all my might
I give you the world
but it is too bad for you
with all the things that bump in the night
Someday i will know who you are
But now you are what others say
the one girl out there
that girls says I will someday meet
You are the girl that is out there for me
That tell girls to dump me
because you are looking for me
and you will make me so happy!
girl I love you ...
hurry up and get here...
or I will have to send you back
and ask for a refund for you
isn't that a great poem....!!!! it is a joke and hope someone does not read this and think I am mad. It is dedicated to all the guys who been dumped for this girl out there. Also to those girls who dump guys for stupid reasons
random postings from my page...
Nice guy with Attitude
you got to love him
Ladies adore him
and stay with they busted dude
Nice guy with attitude
He is so nice
Everything seems so nice
and she stay with her busted dude
Nice guy with attitude
Tell your girl about him
he is the best of men
but you are stuck like you have the flu
Nice guy with attitude
dislike you
despices you
because you stay with your busted dude
the end....
you got to love him
Ladies adore him
and stay with they busted dude
Nice guy with attitude
He is so nice
Everything seems so nice
and she stay with her busted dude
Nice guy with attitude
Tell your girl about him
he is the best of men
but you are stuck like you have the flu
Nice guy with attitude
dislike you
despices you
because you stay with your busted dude
the end....
Monday, August 11, 2008
The epic cheese of the Olympics.
So... If you read my MySpace blog, this is it. I just wanted to make this site look a little less empty and sad.
Anyways, hi Betsy. I think you're the only one reading this. If anyone else is, hi. You should all write something, anything? Hey, you can RSS this too. No shame in that.
Spastic strobe drums. Godzilla footstep fireworks. The amazing LED scroll.
If you're half of the humanity (keep reading to understand my strange choice of words) that tuned into TV on Friday night, you know what I'm talking about. The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.
But it was more than the most impressive light show on the most polluted place on earth. It was more than the brilliant, vibrant costumes displayed from every country representative. It was more than a hosting of various dignitaries throughout the world.
For us in the United States, it was a poorly written commentary.
Yes, I know. The Olympics are chock-full of epic cheese. By that, I mean that the Olympics started in ancient Greece as we all know. And proven by everything we have seen from movies like Gladiator, 300, Troy, and of course, Meet the Spartans - everything in ancient times should be epic. We need announcers with booming, robust Tom Brokaw-type voices. Triumphant brass, like trumpets tearing down the walls of Jericho. An intermittent timpani. And bulging muscles. Oh, and oil. We need lots of oil.
So the language used by American (and I'm sure non-American) commentators is fairly expected for magnitudinal (probably not a word, don't care) events such as this. Sports give people that ancient sense of heroism, grit, victory, and brass, I suppose. Perhaps I would know about this more if there were winning local teams (except the KC Roller Warriors, who are awesome). I'm fairly indifferent toward sports, but some of the best written and more creative articles you'll find in any newspaper is in the sports section. However, the Gold for best television commentary did not go to the United States. Not even close.
Instead of Bob Costas or Matt Lauer, I would have rather heard commentary on the opening ceremony from a person who had a better idea of Chinese culture. Or maybe Pootie Tang, where Bob Costas made a cameo. Wa da ta, China?
Epic cheese example No. 1: With 1.3 billion people, China represents "one-fifth of humanity." Lay it on as thick as you can, Costas. Who ever says that the US represents one-twentieth of humanity? It is always a bold step to use language like "humanity" and "the world." But my goodness, was there a lot of it.
Kick 'em while they're down example Nos. 1, 2, 3, etc.: (as some small, relatively unknown country with two athletes marches down the line) "Even though they know they don't have a chance of getting a medal, they've decided to come anyway and honor their country." They said things like this I don't know how many times throughout the night, but enough to get a belly/pity laugh from me. Sorry, Mauritania. Peace out, Ivory Coast. Boo hoo, Belarus. You're so insignificant to US commentators that not only does your 5-second walk through the Birds' Nest get reduced to 1.5, but you get insulted on network TV.
Epic cheese example No. 14: Little Lin Hao, the courageous boy who survived the China earthquake and attempted to save several of his classmates. Cute, sweet, and touching. But do you really need to mention it every time his little face pops up on screen? "There's the only tall Asian in the world, Yao Ming, accompanied by earthquake survivor Lin Hao. Did we mention that he survived the earthquake? And his friends are all dead?" Hopefully little Hao can't understand English. May be a bit of a bummer for him.
Kick 'em while they're down example No. whatever: "Vietnam does not excel in sports, but they have some of the best mathematicians in the world." What the commentators wanted to add was this: "And they really do the best laundry. I mean, look at these creases, Bob!"
WTF example No. 17: As you probably clearly saw, there were paint pads of varying colors on the floor. Athletes stepped on them and created a rainbow that embodies that "One World, One Dream" (more cheeeese) idea that this year's Olympics stand for. Halfway through the telecast, one of the commentators says: "I wonder how the color got there." Well, those Chinese and their technology to use simple paint... it is rather amazing, is it not? Bob, are you listening?
Disappointing, funny, and dangerous. Dangerous as in, I could have choked on my piece of General Tso's chicken while laughing at these antics.
You had countries proud of their heritage, and one host country in particular, happy to show off its artistic merit and the hope for athletic merit. You had a world leader like George Bush, bored, looking at his watch, with wife Laura staring sweetly and blankly into the crowd, because that's really all I've ever seen her do. Nicolas Sarkozy picks his nose. Some other guy is sound asleep. All in all, the opening ceremony was visually breathtaking. So those chinos are worth more than just a good jab, huh, Spanish basketball team? (My thanks goes out to Kim for sending me this and making me cry in the middle of my work day.)

Joke's on you. I have great peripheral vision.
(P.S. If you're just stumbling upon this blog from cyber space and don't know me, I'm Asian-American, not just some random asshole. I am a very non-random asshole.)
-Shelly Storm
Anyways, hi Betsy. I think you're the only one reading this. If anyone else is, hi. You should all write something, anything? Hey, you can RSS this too. No shame in that.
Spastic strobe drums. Godzilla footstep fireworks. The amazing LED scroll.
If you're half of the humanity (keep reading to understand my strange choice of words) that tuned into TV on Friday night, you know what I'm talking about. The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.
But it was more than the most impressive light show on the most polluted place on earth. It was more than the brilliant, vibrant costumes displayed from every country representative. It was more than a hosting of various dignitaries throughout the world.
For us in the United States, it was a poorly written commentary.
Yes, I know. The Olympics are chock-full of epic cheese. By that, I mean that the Olympics started in ancient Greece as we all know. And proven by everything we have seen from movies like Gladiator, 300, Troy, and of course, Meet the Spartans - everything in ancient times should be epic. We need announcers with booming, robust Tom Brokaw-type voices. Triumphant brass, like trumpets tearing down the walls of Jericho. An intermittent timpani. And bulging muscles. Oh, and oil. We need lots of oil.
So the language used by American (and I'm sure non-American) commentators is fairly expected for magnitudinal (probably not a word, don't care) events such as this. Sports give people that ancient sense of heroism, grit, victory, and brass, I suppose. Perhaps I would know about this more if there were winning local teams (except the KC Roller Warriors, who are awesome). I'm fairly indifferent toward sports, but some of the best written and more creative articles you'll find in any newspaper is in the sports section. However, the Gold for best television commentary did not go to the United States. Not even close.
Instead of Bob Costas or Matt Lauer, I would have rather heard commentary on the opening ceremony from a person who had a better idea of Chinese culture. Or maybe Pootie Tang, where Bob Costas made a cameo. Wa da ta, China?
Epic cheese example No. 1: With 1.3 billion people, China represents "one-fifth of humanity." Lay it on as thick as you can, Costas. Who ever says that the US represents one-twentieth of humanity? It is always a bold step to use language like "humanity" and "the world." But my goodness, was there a lot of it.
Kick 'em while they're down example Nos. 1, 2, 3, etc.: (as some small, relatively unknown country with two athletes marches down the line) "Even though they know they don't have a chance of getting a medal, they've decided to come anyway and honor their country." They said things like this I don't know how many times throughout the night, but enough to get a belly/pity laugh from me. Sorry, Mauritania. Peace out, Ivory Coast. Boo hoo, Belarus. You're so insignificant to US commentators that not only does your 5-second walk through the Birds' Nest get reduced to 1.5, but you get insulted on network TV.
Epic cheese example No. 14: Little Lin Hao, the courageous boy who survived the China earthquake and attempted to save several of his classmates. Cute, sweet, and touching. But do you really need to mention it every time his little face pops up on screen? "There's the only tall Asian in the world, Yao Ming, accompanied by earthquake survivor Lin Hao. Did we mention that he survived the earthquake? And his friends are all dead?" Hopefully little Hao can't understand English. May be a bit of a bummer for him.
Kick 'em while they're down example No. whatever: "Vietnam does not excel in sports, but they have some of the best mathematicians in the world." What the commentators wanted to add was this: "And they really do the best laundry. I mean, look at these creases, Bob!"
WTF example No. 17: As you probably clearly saw, there were paint pads of varying colors on the floor. Athletes stepped on them and created a rainbow that embodies that "One World, One Dream" (more cheeeese) idea that this year's Olympics stand for. Halfway through the telecast, one of the commentators says: "I wonder how the color got there." Well, those Chinese and their technology to use simple paint... it is rather amazing, is it not? Bob, are you listening?
Disappointing, funny, and dangerous. Dangerous as in, I could have choked on my piece of General Tso's chicken while laughing at these antics.
You had countries proud of their heritage, and one host country in particular, happy to show off its artistic merit and the hope for athletic merit. You had a world leader like George Bush, bored, looking at his watch, with wife Laura staring sweetly and blankly into the crowd, because that's really all I've ever seen her do. Nicolas Sarkozy picks his nose. Some other guy is sound asleep. All in all, the opening ceremony was visually breathtaking. So those chinos are worth more than just a good jab, huh, Spanish basketball team? (My thanks goes out to Kim for sending me this and making me cry in the middle of my work day.)

Joke's on you. I have great peripheral vision.
(P.S. If you're just stumbling upon this blog from cyber space and don't know me, I'm Asian-American, not just some random asshole. I am a very non-random asshole.)
-Shelly Storm
are you my friend yet,
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My first entry...
I'll start off so you don't have to be shy. If I can write this junk in moments, you can do so much more.
Silence can never speak
against the wails and shrieks of a nation.
Crickets and crocuses protest blood for oil,
pigeons sing like waterboarded prisoners.
Silence is never heard
above the rage of heaving engines,
below the whirr of policing propellers,
atop a deteriorating concrete slab of pattering feet.
Silence will never be known
amongst clinging beer bottles and toasting wine chalices,
nor the hands that smash them onto a broken sidewalk,
nor the squawking Sunday voice boxes at a pulpit.
But silence bounces off the walls of this crowded room.
Silence screams at me above an electronic trance.
Silence hisses in my ear,
because I am the only one willing to listen.
-Shelly Storm
Silence can never speak
against the wails and shrieks of a nation.
Crickets and crocuses protest blood for oil,
pigeons sing like waterboarded prisoners.
Silence is never heard
above the rage of heaving engines,
below the whirr of policing propellers,
atop a deteriorating concrete slab of pattering feet.
Silence will never be known
amongst clinging beer bottles and toasting wine chalices,
nor the hands that smash them onto a broken sidewalk,
nor the squawking Sunday voice boxes at a pulpit.
But silence bounces off the walls of this crowded room.
Silence screams at me above an electronic trance.
Silence hisses in my ear,
because I am the only one willing to listen.
-Shelly Storm
Well, hello. Here's my intro to what this group is about. And I can only hope I'm not the only one reading.
"Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood." -Frederich Nietzsche
This is for writers who seek motivation, criticism, and ideas to bounce off other people.
This is for readers who seek entertainment.
This is for whoever wants to join and contribute. You don't have to be a good writer. You don't even have to consider yourself a writer. But you have a story to tell, no matter who you are.
I'm calling this the Fragmented Writers Group because I tend to write in fragments. I thought by posting a piece of my work, someone else could help out with an idea for me, or generate an idea of their own. So let's see how it works out. As the MySpace group did, it could tumble miserably in a forgotten abyss.
Your pal,
Shelly Storm
"Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood." -Frederich Nietzsche
This is for writers who seek motivation, criticism, and ideas to bounce off other people.
This is for readers who seek entertainment.
This is for whoever wants to join and contribute. You don't have to be a good writer. You don't even have to consider yourself a writer. But you have a story to tell, no matter who you are.
I'm calling this the Fragmented Writers Group because I tend to write in fragments. I thought by posting a piece of my work, someone else could help out with an idea for me, or generate an idea of their own. So let's see how it works out. As the MySpace group did, it could tumble miserably in a forgotten abyss.
Your pal,
Shelly Storm
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