Sunday, August 10, 2008


Well, hello. Here's my intro to what this group is about. And I can only hope I'm not the only one reading.

"Of all that is written, I love only what a person has written with his own blood." -Frederich Nietzsche

This is for writers who seek motivation, criticism, and ideas to bounce off other people.

This is for readers who seek entertainment.

This is for whoever wants to join and contribute. You don't have to be a good writer. You don't even have to consider yourself a writer. But you have a story to tell, no matter who you are.

I'm calling this the Fragmented Writers Group because I tend to write in fragments. I thought by posting a piece of my work, someone else could help out with an idea for me, or generate an idea of their own. So let's see how it works out. As the MySpace group did, it could tumble miserably in a forgotten abyss.

Your pal,
Shelly Storm


betsy b. said...

I am a "reader" for entertainment. Keep it comin!

betsy b. said...

ohhhh...and elizabeth= betsy b.

Damaria Senne said...

Hello Shelly

I'm a working freelance writer and am happy to contribute irregularly. How does this work?